Asshats everywhere
By 404 justice not found - 21/04/2016 19:15 - United States - Whitehall
By 404 justice not found - 21/04/2016 19:15 - United States - Whitehall
By boom boom boom - 06/06/2022 01:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/01/2016 05:07 - United States - San Diego
By Anonymous - 19/03/2015 15:56 - United States - West Babylon
By Anonymous - 24/03/2023 16:00 - Australia
By fuck your music - 16/07/2019 07:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/03/2024 14:00 - United States
By Earplugged - 25/01/2015 05:01 - United States - Vancouver
By Pl. - 07/02/2024 02:30 - India - Mumbai
By soon to have a fist shaped hole in my ass - 23/01/2016 07:49 - Canada - Cornwall
By fineillpissthebedthen - 07/02/2013 22:56 - Denmark - ?lborg
To the people saying that the OP should of called the police: From the sounds of it OP has previously called the police to complain about the noise but nothing was done.
I was reading something similar to this on petty revenge, and what the person did is that before they went to work or an event they would take their own speakers and play Baby by Justin as loud as possibly with the speakers facing down (since the right was below them).
No no, someone replaced a tv series torrent download with Rick Astley on repeat. It wasn't being played through on speakers.
It was. So, my downstairs neighbor is obnoxious. I live in a shitty old 1970s apartment complex with intolerably thin walls, but I’ve never had a problem with loudness from any neighbors. Until the douche canoe downstairs moved in. He blasts his music until 2-3 am. Not just where I can hear the bass drop loud. But I hear every single word. Over my television. I’ve asked him politely to turn it down to no avail. I’ve called the cops. I’ve complained to management. His drunk friends stumble around the stairwell and harass people. This guy is awful. So now, I place my Bose speaker face down into the floor and play Never Gonna Give You Up loudly on repeat while I go out to the store or leave for a while. But never after hours when it would be a noise violation. But he hears that shit all day. **** him. Posted: 2 months ago on Feb 9,2016 with 24848 notes Tags: #souwant2bcliche #/r/pettyrevenge #5k #10k Src:
Am I the only one that wondered if OP's version of "Give him a piece of my mind" included physical threats that led to the cops reaction?
Why don't you call the cops saying he threatened you just to get them there for the music. You could probably call anonymous and they'd get him for the music.
Never cry wolf like that...
Don't cast stones at a glass house, by this I mean don't return the favor of blasting your own- rather be civil about it...
Reminds me of when a friend of mine lived in her previous home...they had an obnoxious neighbor who would call the cops on them every time they used the fire pit in their backyard, despite it being safely blocked off so it wouldn't set things on fire. Yet the same neighbors got away with letting their dogs roam free and bite people because they always hid them before the cops showed up. FYL, OP. Hopefully you can bust your jerk of a neighbor. Or at the very least they may move one day.
I've been there a lot. write a detailed record of times that the music is too loud. might help if other people do too so then u can show its not just u who is annoyed by it.
They cant arrest you for swearing.
What the ****? I'd have just blasted some Maroon 5 to get them back.
time to record your environment and then file a noise complaint. if they don't follow up inform them that they'll be hearing from your lawyer
That sucks OP, maybe you should blast your own music and wait until the cops show up. then Turn your radio off and catch your neighbors in the act. or make them cookies and ask to them to turn it down nicely