Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


Lost your job and evicted from the friend zone in the same day? tough break.

I just had to watch a corporate video (State of CA) at work on this similar subject and they used an example where the guy said to the sales girl that she was smoking hot and made some sexual innuendo's about her and that she should push her boobs up and wear a short skirt to win business from a customer. It was considered to *not* be sexual harassment. So your example doesn't really sound worse than that, maybe you should get a lawyer to try and clear that from your record and maybe even get a settlement for the damages.... just saying...

Why do men think that womens self worth is rooted entirely in our appearance? When my colleagues are down then I compliment them on their work or share a story about a screw up I made to make them feel better. Saying "well sure you screwed up, but at least you've got great ****" would not exactly be well received...

fdsafdsadfs 1

Maybe because that's all you stupid bitches seem to care about?

Bitter much? Here's a piece of advice for you. You sound pathetic. Whatever she did, get over it.

DirtyJerzey8083 7

YDDI (you deff deserve it) you sound like the office perv and I'm not surprised you were fired for it

Chipmunk1994 0

I'm pretty sure that you're some creepy guy and saying those things creeped people out even more

xfactorfoxx 3
starynites411 0

I think that's sweet (: there needs to be more nice guys in the world

Yeah, but did you sound like a sarcastic asshole when you said it? Maybe it wasn't WHAT you said, but how you said it...

What you did was probably creepy. Strictly speaking, one of these women should have approached you before making the complaint; if they fired you because they got multiple complaints, they should have talked to you after the first one instead of letting you continue with this. Being clueless doesn't make you a bad person--it's not changing your behavior when you are called on it.

mrjason300 5

Not cool... maybe how you said it was creepy or something. I would've said that if someone was complaining in my ear too.