Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


sorry but ydi. no matter how well meaning or harmless it was everybody knows you cant say those things at work.

HunterAlpha1 8

that's bullshit. why should people not compliment other people? why shouldn't they say things to try to lighten other people's moods? this isn't the damn soviet union you know!

Thats really creepy... Like really creepy...

That's why you can't talk to female employees anymore.

lilwojo13 6

I'm sorry about that but i mean, you have to be really careful about the kinds of things you say to people. Because they might interpret what you're saying in a wholeeeee different way. Obviously.

If you were a really good-looking guy, it wouldn't have been an issue....but if a female co-worker is not attracted to you, then somehow you're considered a "CREEP" if you joke with them. All they have to do is complain to management that you made them feel "uncomfortable"! I don't bother to even talk to some of the women where I work, because I have seen them act this way.

never compliment ladies or offer anything to them at all! ...who cares about their days.

you truly are a special kinda stupid aren't ya? let me spell this out for you S-E-X-U-A-L H-A-R-R-A-S-M-E-N-T.

Okay, maybe not sexual harassment, but when you do that to every girl you meet, they gossip. They gossip about getting uncomfortable around you. I would probably run fast If I was them too. Even if my feet hurt.

CheeseTron 15

Hmm. That does seem strange. Maybe you look like a rapist?