Remember when conspiracy theories were fun?

By ET. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife is totally convinced that she was abducted by aliens last night, all because she fell out of bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 999
You deserved it 2 706

Top comments

jpoole 4

No your fat ass just knocked her out of bed and she mistook the fat folds for eyes and a mouth. Yay for negative votes!

Did you do "out-of-this-world" stuff in bed the night before? Okay, I'll be going now...


The things people will do to get away from there mate amaze me.

drawmesunshine 17

Or: , , The things people will do to get away from there, mate, amaze me.

Did she fall on her head? Or perhaps that's just what they want you guys to think...

I think she got scared from you saying, "I'm want to shove my probe into your anus" fell asleep had the dream and jumped out of bed

Maybe it was the demon from Paranormal activity

Persons mind is a powerful thing. If she thought it it must be true! Just like Santa and his reindeer!

Aliens would be the first thing that came to my mind..... Of course it would have nothing to do with gravity.... Duh.

BigSlingin 0

I believe her it happened to me to one. Haha