Remember when conspiracy theories were fun?

By ET. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife is totally convinced that she was abducted by aliens last night, all because she fell out of bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 999
You deserved it 2 706

Top comments

jpoole 4

No your fat ass just knocked her out of bed and she mistook the fat folds for eyes and a mouth. Yay for negative votes!

Did you do "out-of-this-world" stuff in bed the night before? Okay, I'll be going now...


We all know u kicked her out of bed for farting in her sleep lol jk.

Was there anal probing? Nothing worse than waking up with a mouthful of pillow and a sore ass... Just ask my gf

Probably the anal probe you gave her... She sounds rather bonkers, rather you than me lol

SGail101 2

every night from now on I'd push her out of the bed!!! LOL