By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States
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Lmao,It's very mean,but funny, if i was like that 13 years ago, i would've gotten spanked with shoes. and belt......the metal part of it. and yes both has been done to me lol, i think for bringing home bad grades and making fun of my classmates (my teacher told my parents haha ooops..) anyway real story or not, kids are very rude these days regardless. i dunno if parents are too soft on their kids nowadays, or they just don't bother or care anymore...
I'm much more appalled at the mom than her kid. No wonder the kid is like that, when her mom sets the example.
I would be laughing my ass off if that happened to me.
i bet that the mom thought you said that stuff not the kid
dont worry, i had a similar situation with a little brat at the local pool who told her mom later that we had made fun of her (lie). so then me and my friends got yelled at by a mom for half an hour about picking on little kids. the kid was nine. she knew what she was doing.
That's okay. Last time a kid did that to me, I told him hims parents were getting a divorce and they were putting him up for adoption because he made them hate eachother and they didnt love him.
What scum. That said, years ago when I was at school, I was going home for the day and a little kid ran across the road to punch me. I hit him on the side of the head with my nice, newly made wooden photo frame that I cut in technology and the mother came roaring over to have a go at me for hitting her son!
I hate little kids. Even worse, little kids with bad parents.
you should have said "if you just woulda ****** YOURself, we wouldn't have THIS (point at the kid) problem"