By "Beackers675" - 18/07/2017 09:00 - United States - Minneapolis
Beackers675 tells us more.
Hey everyone, OP here! So uhm..just for the record I'm not a minor, no CPS needed. As for their religion, I personally do not follow it, but out of love and respect for my parents I let them take care of me, (I'd been away from home for a long time and got sick upon my return) it was a nasty cold, and I was miserable, but I'm fine now. My family doesn't believe in unnecessary medications if the body can fight it off, however in extreme cases they will accept modern medicine. And yes, we're all vascinated so calm your butt cheeks. As for their religious beliefs, that is who they are. Thanks for the support, but no need to worry.
Top comments
Never understood how religion has restrictions on medicine. Weren't religion created well before medicine was discovered? How did they know to restrict something that isn't even imagined back then?
It's because science is "sorcery," which is strongly restricted in most religions. Science goes against most religions too, so that could be why.
No medicines cure a cold. They can reduce some of the symptoms. You need to find a new religion before you contract a curable, but serious disease.
Hey everyone, OP here! So uhm..just for the record I'm not a minor, no CPS needed. As for their religion, I personally do not follow it, but out of love and respect for my parents I let them take care of me, (I'd been away from home for a long time and got sick upon my return) it was a nasty cold, and I was miserable, but I'm fine now. My family doesn't believe in unnecessary medications if the body can fight it off, however in extreme cases they will accept modern medicine. And yes, we're all vascinated so calm your butt cheeks. As for their religious beliefs, that is who they are. Thanks for the support, but no need to worry.
Thanks for the follow up! Glad to know you're ok!
If it you are old enough to write this post, you are old enough to turn your parents in for child abuse.
Well to be fair tea is really good for colds. Any modern analgesic you take for let's say the "sniffles" does cause liver damage, and after an adulthood of taking aspirin every time you get a headache and totally ignoring the warning label like everyone does, perfectly healthy people develop things like fatty liver, liver disease or heart disease because of the insidious over the counter medicines we don't give a second thought to. If you are in severe pain, yes, take a pill, but if you can get through it with water, tea, and rest, your body is better off.
It's known that no medicine can cure a cold, but there are many medicines that can alleviate symptoms. For example, cough medicine. A lot of cough medicines contain alcohol which is prohibited in many religions. This person and their family are entitled to believe whatever they want and comments about invisible men in the sky aren't helpful. Personally, I disagree with parents letting children suffer due to religious beliefs, but this OP seems old enough to write a gramatically perfect FML and therefore able to cope with a non medicated cold, without CPS being called. Hope you're feeling better soon, OP!
I mean, it is just a cold. You'll survive without cough medicine, even though it'll be more miserable. I'm more concerned about what happens if OP or their siblings get seriously ill? Will they take you/them to the doctor for medical care, or is it more milk tea?
CPS would have a field day with this one.
Your parents are idiots.