By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 11:11 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend stacks things on me while I sleep. Apparently his record is 4 pillows, a textbook, and the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 441
You deserved it 59

Top comments


elsieenchanted 0

Awesome :D He should try a glass of water. :P But don't move when you sleep. O.O

That is just tooo funny. Lighten up a's definitely not an should be comending him on his creativity...I bet he rocks at Jenga.

How did you find out? Did you turn over, topple the pillow text book tower and send the cat flying?

justbeatit09 0

hahah , thats awesome ! I would laugh , i would have went "HAHA" . Thats totally not an FML , YDI for having such an awesome BF.

Hahaha nice. This isn't an FML but if you really do consider it to be one just go beat his record.

This post made me lulz XD "the cat" = pure win

This is hilarious! Your boyfriend = Awesomeness.

hahaha, this made me laugh so hard, especially when i read "...and the cat"

I'm sorry but that's actually freaking HILARIOUS.

HAHAHHHAHAHA! If you break up with him, can i have him?