By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 07:06 - United States

Today, I got back from a 6 month deployment overseas. My girlfriend of 3 years couldn't pick me up from the airport because she had an intramural softball game to go to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 453
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

notfromearth7 0

Aw...that sucks. But at the same time, good to see you got back safely soldier *salutes*

lolyouareanidiot 0

lol, at #3. No one takes intramural sports seriously. Certainly no one considers it a responsibility to play intramural sports where half the people show up drunk. This was a burn big time. You should take as much offense to this as possible.


Waterprincess 0

She is a **** for not leaving what she had to do to be with you.

#3 if a random soldier i had never met called me from iraq and said can you pick me up from the airport im getting home from service id say yes without a second thought to the person protecting my freedom(unless the hockey game i was playing would impact my hockey career)...and this is her boyfriend, someone she should love and care for and she cant blow off a intramural softball game(most likely free to play also) and spend even an hour or two with you. i dont think shes a good person at all but thats your decision to make. im glad you returned safely

well, you know what my 3-year girlfriend did when i visited her for our 3 year anniversary? "i don't love you anymore" fml. (it's okay, she doesn't deserve me =])

magi0731 0

thats horrible. my fiance and i are both marines, and i miss him after being gone for two hours. there is absolutely nothing i wouldnt miss to pick him up at the airport. im so sorry

blahnoopoo 0

#41 I didn't want my boyfriend to join the military but he did because thats what HE wanted to do. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Yea this softball game is important to her but I don't think you ever had to wait for someone to get home from a deployment. That is the greatest feeling in the world to see him again for the first time. To hear the words "I landed"....Obviously she does not love him or care for him because no one would do that. Even if they are going to break up I still think its a right thing to do is go pick him up. Than maybe after that they can talk about their relationship. I have friends that broke up with their boyfriends before they left and went to pick them up because its nice to have someone there. I am not brainwashed; I have actually been around my boyfriend leaving alot.

blahnoopoo 0
vt_mruhlin 0

I can understand what kind of pressure she must have been under. When I was in intramurals, my team kicked ass, but we were always short on girls. It only made matters worse that once playoffs started, they'd do them on a different day than usual. Despite going undefeated in regular season, we always got disqualified first round of the playoffs.

magi0731 0

and #11, you cant put off a deployment. you get and orders and you go, on the day and at the time ou are ordered, and that is that. and you really cant compare that to putting off a game...which isnt even a responsibility in the sense that military duty is.

blahnoopoo 0

#49 It is still no excuse. #50 Nicely written!!

meaganwas 0

What a ******* bitch. Drop her ass. Glad you made it home safely!