By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 07:06 - United States

Today, I got back from a 6 month deployment overseas. My girlfriend of 3 years couldn't pick me up from the airport because she had an intramural softball game to go to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 453
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

notfromearth7 0

Aw...that sucks. But at the same time, good to see you got back safely soldier *salutes*

lolyouareanidiot 0

lol, at #3. No one takes intramural sports seriously. Certainly no one considers it a responsibility to play intramural sports where half the people show up drunk. This was a burn big time. You should take as much offense to this as possible.


#7 and #11 should DIAF and anyone else who is defending his (hopefully ex) girlfriend then i hope they drink #36's gasoline slurpee that's beyond ridiculous, especially because it was an /INTRAMURAL/ softball game, that shit doesn't matter, especially in comparison to your 3 year boyfriend coming back after 6 years of serving his country.

blahnoopoo 0

#61 you do not not know what you are talking about. You have never been in this situation. I have a boyfriend who is in the miltary for the 100th time. I would drop everything to see him. He just got back from a deployment probley seeing things that we will never dream of. This is not being needy hello?? he just got back from a deployment; all he really wants is to relax with his girlfriend he has not seen for 6 months and you telling me that is needy? obvioulsy you don't know what it is like at all. Yes he did just get back from a deployment and his girlfriend should be there!! This has nothing to do with maning up. My boyfriend would be pissed if I didn't show up; I would never do that to him because I want to be with him and I would rather ditch a stupid softball game for him. Oh wait I do do that. I want to spend the rest of my life with my boyfriend. Im sorry that is not a very good girl friend to so it. Don't sit here tell someone to man up; give him a ******* break he just got back from war and wants to see his girlfriend. This is not being clingy at all. Another ignorant person again.

#11 I'm pretty sure refusing to go on his 6 month deployment could give him a longer time in a miltiary prision, and a dishonerable discharge that prevents him from getting any decent job.

blahnoopoo 0

#66 omg are you kidding me???? He just got back from a deployment. He can be upset about it; his girlfriend is a bitch and not supportive. She doesn't even care enough to see him when he has been gone for 6 months!!

blahnoopoo 0

#65...he doesn't even have an option to refuse lol.

#64 I would stop assuming if I were you, people have experiences. Mine isn't exactly the same, but I've been in similar ones. If my girlfriend had to do something else, I'd TELL her to do that and not let me interfere with her life. So, do not jump to conclusions about 'another ignorant person.' Part of me hates to respond because you are obviously personally invested in this, but just because you experienced something doesn't mean that other people are like you or your boyfriend. Some people can handle neediness; I can't. Your boyfriend would get mad if you weren't there; I wouldn't. The point is, if there is a strong mutual love, then little things do not matter in the end. If this is a relationship worth pursuing then meeting during or after an intramural softball game should not matter. There's a difference between loving a person wholistically and getting upset whenever they choose not to be with you. I think you'd see it as well.

blahnoopoo 0

#69 Im not speaking from myself but alot of people would disagree with you because you are wrong. Have you ever been with someon in the military no?? These relationships are way different and harder to be in. Time with your S/O is very limited because you do not know when they have to leave again. If she cared about him she would be there no matter what. If this deployment killed her like i know it probley has then she would blow off this game. Im sorry i don't think wanting your girlfriend there when you have been at WAR for 6 months is needy. I think your statement is false. The only reason a girl would not show up is that she probley is or was cheating on him. If you were in this situation and see how vital it is to you to have your girlfriend there yes you would be pissed.

blahnoopoo 0

#63 bring on the gasoline slurpee!!!

#70 blahnoopoo THANK YOU! For sticking up for military girlfriends/fiancees and wives who respect their men's jobs and know what it means to come back from a deployment. I'm with a US Soldier. He was already in service when I met him. He got stationed in Germany, I'm German. A year after we started dating his contract was up and he asked me if I wanted him to re-enlist for 4 more years. I told him NO! He did it anyway and I was not pleased with it...yet I stuck by his side through a 12-month tour to Afghanistan and right now he is serving a 15-month tour in Iraq. 10 months down, 5 to go! I don't know one SINGLE military girlfriend/fiancee/wife who TRULY loves their significant other who has not been at their homecoming!!! Some of my friends who are also German and involved with a military man even flew to JAPAN and the US to be there for their men's homecoming! And whoever it was up there that said "Girlfriends stop caring because they get used to you not being around", that is bullshit! If you love someone you don't stop caring! End of subject. To the person who said that maybe he didn't tell her in time when his plane is coming in...being a militar significant other she should know that with the military you can never plan ahead. Especially coming back from deployments you get a 2 week time window and don't find out the actual date until like 72 hours prior...that's why most military wives take off the whole 2 weeks to make sure they're ready to go at any point! There wouldn't have been anything in this world that would have ever stopped me from being there for my husband's homecoming...he comes home from fighting a war, sleeping outside in the middle of nowhere many nights...maybe his unit even lost the lives of some of their men while over there...I don't see how it is needy of him to want his girlfriend there at the airport...before he left he didn't know if he would ever see her again...he could have died... .