By bloodynose - 27/06/2009 02:35 - United States
chunkynose tells us more.
lol the mashed potatoes I had were kind of chunky, and so after I threw up, there were still bits of it left in my nose. I had to blow my nose to get them out, and so I blew chunks of taters out my nose into the tissue. my mom almost fainted. :)
Top comments
I know exactly how you feel, well the whole face being swollen, sorry about the 'blowing chunks' part.
This sucks majorly, but I thought it was pretty well common sense that you can be pretty sick after this kind of oral surgery? Everyone I know who has had their wisdom teeth out have gotten sick from the painkillers, I think it's from the painkillers. Still, fyl :(
It was probably an after affect of the anaesthetic, that or a bad reaction to one of the medications. I was eating mashed potatoes and soup after I got all 4 of mine out and I was fine. You can't blame the surgeon, because as long as the foods were soft, you should have been fine. Your body must have just had a bad reaction.
Its the anestesia. ****, when I had my wisdom teeth out the first thing I did when I woke up was puke, and I hadn't eaten anything. Some people are way sensitive to that shit. I am, so are you probably. The good news is that after 24 hours its mostly out of your system and then you don't have to worry about it.
It could be a reaction to the antibiotics; that's happened to a couple friends of mine.
Thats happened to me it sux harder than a poor hooker looking to make and extra buck
I am so sorry, feel better!
Would make one he'll of a viddeo on America's Funniest