By ticketed - 28/08/2012 16:04 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned that several thousand people in my state got tickets this month for driving and talking on the phone. My mom called to tell me this while I was driving. I'm now part of that statistic. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 297
You deserved it 36 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother didn't make you pick up the phone whilst you were driving though. YDI.

You shouldn't have picked up the phone. YDI


It's not her fault you answered the phone. YDI

sacredeye73 11

That's what you get for answering the phone.

OP is most likely the type of sorry bitch who goes around blaming everyone else when she's clearly at fault. What a piece of scum. I hope you realize this OP and change your ways - otherwise, the world is better off without you.

No sympathy op, didn't need to answer the phone. Chatting on the phone whilst driving KILLS. Ive seen too many accidents at work. (I work in A&e)

How is that her fault? You're the one who chose to answer while driving. She can't force you to pick up the phone. Ydi.

How was your mum supposed to know you were driving? You shouldn't have picked up the phone in the first place, this is all your fault.

mnfer 7

Here's an idea, don't answer your phone while you're driving.

U would have answered the phone regardless of who was calling, so don't blame anyone but yourself