By Dillyduzit - 20/10/2012 18:50 - Australia - Brunswick

Today, I tried to tell my best friend how wrong she is to be dating a married man, whose wife happens to be pregnant with their first child. Our talk ended with her calling me a "meddling, frigid bitch" and me being told this is why I can't get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 235
You deserved it 2 812

Dillyduzit tells us more.

Dillyduzit 23

OP here. It's been three years since the incident, and I finally took the time to read all the comments and figured I can now do a complete follow-up. My best friend and I were in our senior year of high school, and the married man she was seeing was a few years older than us. I didn't know him or his wife. Basically, the guy had a long-term girlfriend who he left because he moved across the country, where he met my best friend. She dated him and lost her virginity to him, so he was her "first love" and that whole deal. He went back to his old town to visit friends and family, slept with his ex, and then came back to my best friend who didn't know. He found out his ex was pregnant, dumped my best friend, and married his ex who moved across the country to be with him and raise their family. My best friend was heartbroken, but I guess he was telling her that he still loved her and was only married to his wife because she was pregnant, but he would eventually leave his wife for her. She- being vulnerable and young- believed it and kept seeing him. Looking out for my friend's best interests, I tried to tell her that what she was doing was wrong- not just for the wife and kid, but for herself, because he obviously was using her and had no intentions of leaving his pregnant wife. She didn't like what I was saying and essentially told me to **** off. I didn't tell the wife (even though I wanted to) because I didn't know her and didn't need my best friend to be mad at me. I was kind of afraid of her because she has a very aggressive personality and I've always been very passive. But anyway, she eventually found someone else and ended things with the cheating asshole. It took some time though. Nevertheless, her and I are still friends. We dropped the "best" though and I keep her at arm's length because new incidents have arisen throughout the past couple of years that made me realize she doesn't deserve my friendship. Karma also helped a girl out and I'm happily married while she still searches for someone who will love her despite the fact that she's crazy. And you best believe I've been keeping my husband far away from her. Thanks for reading! Sorry this was so long.

Top comments

Tell her at least you're not so desperate to get laid that you'd chase after people who are already taken.

She's the bitch.... But I'm sure you put yourself out there you will get laid!


if I were you I'd tell the wife. You don't need homewreckers like that in your life either

ileenefudge 29

Know how this feels only the chick wasn't my friend, although I tried to be her friend at first, and my sons dad was the cheater. There both home wreckers and she knew we had a child and everything. He was taking my car to bring her on dates and was a dick nozzle and this was all at work because we all worked at the same place. I know how this feels and I can honestly say it's not worth your time to be her friend and the wife deserves to know what's going on.

Sounds like Cameron Van Buren from MPGiS

magnetic_aura 26

She's your friend. You don't have to agree with her decision, but it's not your place to judge her. Personally, (having been cheated on by almost every boyfriend I've had) I think that your friend's boyfriend is a jerk for betraying his wife. But, also, your friend probably feels lousy for her actions or has low self esteem and doesn't think she's worth more than being a secret... Who knows what's going on. I'd be more worried that my friend is in a bad place, rather than berating her actions while in that state.

Chances are she already knows how wrong it is, but is so desperate that she doesn't care. As much as it sucks, it's not your problem, OP.

Dillyduzit 23

OP here. It's been three years since the incident, and I finally took the time to read all the comments and figured I can now do a complete follow-up. My best friend and I were in our senior year of high school, and the married man she was seeing was a few years older than us. I didn't know him or his wife. Basically, the guy had a long-term girlfriend who he left because he moved across the country, where he met my best friend. She dated him and lost her virginity to him, so he was her "first love" and that whole deal. He went back to his old town to visit friends and family, slept with his ex, and then came back to my best friend who didn't know. He found out his ex was pregnant, dumped my best friend, and married his ex who moved across the country to be with him and raise their family. My best friend was heartbroken, but I guess he was telling her that he still loved her and was only married to his wife because she was pregnant, but he would eventually leave his wife for her. She- being vulnerable and young- believed it and kept seeing him. Looking out for my friend's best interests, I tried to tell her that what she was doing was wrong- not just for the wife and kid, but for herself, because he obviously was using her and had no intentions of leaving his pregnant wife. She didn't like what I was saying and essentially told me to **** off. I didn't tell the wife (even though I wanted to) because I didn't know her and didn't need my best friend to be mad at me. I was kind of afraid of her because she has a very aggressive personality and I've always been very passive. But anyway, she eventually found someone else and ended things with the cheating asshole. It took some time though. Nevertheless, her and I are still friends. We dropped the "best" though and I keep her at arm's length because new incidents have arisen throughout the past couple of years that made me realize she doesn't deserve my friendship. Karma also helped a girl out and I'm happily married while she still searches for someone who will love her despite the fact that she's crazy. And you best believe I've been keeping my husband far away from her. Thanks for reading! Sorry this was so long.

That's really nice of you to do OP, wish you and your hubby the best of luck!

Thanks for the follow up OP! in this case, it certainly sounds like your friend was young and dumb, in love and acting shelfish. I think you were totally right to say something. No matter how young and in love you are, there is no excuse to get with a married man. especially one with a kid.That's low. Glad you saw that you are better than that and she doesn't deserve a friend like you. It's funny, I didn't remember until I read your post but this exact same thing happened to me with a girl I was super close with Junior year. I saw her after we graduated and she was in the exact same position as your friend. I said what you did, she said pretty much what your friend did. Crazy thing about that was she was Mormon and one of the most "good" girls I knew before that.

Sometimes you have to let people figure it out for themselves.

Well she was right, having morals tends to decrease your chances of getting laid. But it's still better to have morals