By JDBigDawg - 02/07/2012 07:23 - United States - Orange
I agree, your life sucks
22 133
You deserved it
2 380
JDBigDawg tells us more.
Top comments
I've said it before and I'll say it again: old people suck.
Congratulations. You're a lot farther along than most of us commenters in that department. Enjoy your golden comments on this FML. :D
Should have yelled back "**** you old man, i will NOT have anal sex with you."
*&^%ing old people are mean man.
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
2 094
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
34 134
You deserved it
4 884
I agree, your life sucks
1 499
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
24 872
You deserved it
4 167
I agree, your life sucks
4 867
You deserved it
2 280
I agree, your life sucks
77 128
You deserved it
13 555
I agree, your life sucks
11 801
You deserved it
31 441
old people mistake things easily
Wow, this sounds rough. You tried going about it the fair way, and at least you had the balls to help him and didn't club him when he yelled at you. I think you wood agree that it's always best to hole your tongue, of course, when you get trapped in this kind of situation. Hopefully you ironed things out and can putt this whole thing behind you.