By sierraleeannee - 09/02/2014 06:44 - United States
sierraleeannee tells us more.
OP here. I can't believe this got posted before I went to bed! Hahaha! For some reason this got edited out, but he ended up smacking me in the face after he bit me. He's 9 months old so he thinks it's hilarious obviously. And I'm not sure why it didn't show my name, I posted it while logged in. And as for the person who said time for bottle feeding, he won't take a bottle, which is fine with me! He's teething so he tends to bite more when he is. Glad to know my son has made people laugh :)
Top comments
my mom weened me off breast feeding by putting vinegar on her which made me stop due to unpleasant when I was a baby. I never took a bottle but it made me go to sippy cups early
Um how old is your son
ouch why are you still breast feeding if he has got teeth
Babies start getting teeth as early as 4 months old. And babies number 1 source of food is either breast milk or formula until age 1. So I'd rather not let my baby starve just because he has teeth.
babies are supposed to have breast milk or formula until at LEAST a year! OP isn't doing anything wrong and honestly neither is the kiddo.. mom made a funny noise or face when he hurt her so he probably didn't know and couldn't help but laugh.. he's also at the age when he's learning "oh, what I do can cause something else to happen" so it's fun to explore that and see what you're capable of. all these people giving OP advice if they don't have kids, just shut up.
Simple solution, don't have kids.
Kinda too late for that now, don't you think?
He's too old to be breastfed. He doesn't need it after 12 months. I don't understand women who's kids are 3 and they still breastfeed.
The WHO recommends breastfeeding until at LEAST two. The health benefits for baby and mama are fantastic, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying formula. Obviously some mamas can't breastfeed as long as that and some not at all. Babies greatly benefit from nursing even after the first year, and there are many reasons mums continue.
I'm with #83 on this. mostly because my daughter is turning 2 in July and still breastfeeds.
How is 9 months too old when breast milk is supposed to be babies main source of food until age 1? This doesn't make sense.
Not to mention, that due to the health benefits that are gained from nursing, in historical times there were no alternatives. In historical times, children would nurse sometimes up until around the age of 4 or 5, as they didn't have breast pumps either. Now, part of our cultural shift from 5 to 2 regarding weaning them off of milk is that now we have vaccinations and modern medicine to help our children keep from getting sick and help them build up their own antibodies and what not. Am I recommending she nurse until her child is 5? No, I'm not. I'm just saying stop acting like it's so weird that she chooses to nurse still when her son *could* be weaned off it soon. Besides, he's not your child, and you don't have to like or understand what she's doing, but it's also none of your damn business, so keep your mouth off her and do some research.
Its natural he is just teething. Your are not supposed to scream just say no and take a break from feeding him.
Evil Spawn Child. Thats what my mom would call me...
Teeth? That's plural for more than one. Stop breast feeding him before you ruin him. People like you should be in jail for allowing your child to breast feed that long. And don't say he needs it it's you who wants it because you can't let it go. You sicken me
Please read the OP's comment. Her son is 9 months old, which is well within recommendations from most doctors (at least 1 year) and the WHO recommendation (2 years). Most babies start to get teeth around 6 months, and any medical professional will tell you that's too early to completely wean them off.
YES. It's really nice to see that there are other people out there that know what they're talking about!
You guys need to do more research on breastfeeding before spewing out ignorant and untrue facts. breastmilk ADAPTS to infant/toddler/child, therefore it remains beneficial. sincerely, a breastfeeding mother to an almost 2 year old.
he might be the spawn of satan
That's the breast FML i've ever read