By flustered - 28/07/2009 22:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. My checker was very hot. When it came time for me to pay, I swiped my debit card and the machine kept rejecting it. Sure that I had money in my account, I did it again, before the cute checker informed me that I was swiping my driver's license, not my debit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 350
You deserved it 52 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted


kaaaay26 0

OH MY GOSSHSHHHHH This is my post!!! Hahahahahah I didn't think this would get posted. Totally made my day. Uhm and by the waaaay...that is NOT bullshit. It said "card rejected," after I went through clicking "debit" and "no cash back" and confirming the purchase total.

Sorry, that's simply impossible. Do you have any idea how those machines work? Even if your license had a magnetic strip, it wouldn't transmit anything to make that machine go through that entire process of asking for your pin, then asking if you wanted cash back.

Yeah, this is a bunch of baloney....the machine wouldn't even DO anything if you swiped a non-debit card. Then again, you're from California...explains a lot.

if that was your post shouldnt the names match...i mean last time i checked kaaaay26 and flustered dont match...and that is bullshit. It wouldnt react in would be unresponsive because drivers license dont have manetic strip!

sabinaocean 0

Well, here's an idea... Rather than just claiming this fml fake, without giving any instances.... Why don't you just go to the grocery store, and try swipping your driver's license, instead of a debit/ credit card, to see what happens? That way, you can come back and tell everyone for sure that it is, or is not, possible.

hey dumbfuck, learn how to spell blonde before you try to insult them. whos the idiot now.

To be totally fair, 'blond' is the masculine of 'blonde' so whether it's wrong would depend on the sex of the opening poster.

I work at a grocery store. I press a button to make the machine work for debit and it would just do absolutely nothing if he tried to swipe his drivers license.

ciaobella_fml 0

Wow really smooth. I would have laughed but thought it was cute. That's a ice breaker for sure lol

you are obviously thinking with your Wang and not your brain causing you not to pay atenttion to what you wanted to use to pay.

FlaminYawn 0

she should've said, "Sorry, you can't pay with your looks"

FlaminYawn 0

like I say, there's more fish in the sea, and some of them are blowfish..

chloroformxboy 0

that's something i would do xD

snot? hmm, i think its SMART take some spelling classes.

tatilalicious 0

i will assume this fml is from a guy cause only a dude would be using the wrong head at a time like this...

Not an FML. This is kinda cute. You should have said something like: "I'm sorry, but you're beautiful and I can't concentrate very much."