By flustered - 28/07/2009 22:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. My checker was very hot. When it came time for me to pay, I swiped my debit card and the machine kept rejecting it. Sure that I had money in my account, I did it again, before the cute checker informed me that I was swiping my driver's license, not my debit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 349
You deserved it 52 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted


fxdxhk90 0

That sucks. But if your a dude, it may have been excusable, seeing as how you didn't have enough blood in your brain at that moment.

31: it was intentional, l know it would be "silly littles child isnt too smArt". lm not stupid, l was joking.

"the girl said high and i stopped as I jizzed in my pants" this song might qualify for you OP

Pay the **** attention. Yes, everyone has their slip-ups, but when it's because you think the checker is cute, YDI. How many more FMLs are going to happen about how stupid people get when they see someone they like? Really.

SecretAsianMann 3

Wow, do you have some pent up anger issues or something? Are you mad because you don't have the looks to affect someone in a similar manner?

I wouldn't know as, if it did happen, or if it has (I once actually had to be informed I was being flirted with), I wouldn't notice because I'd be too concerned with how retarded they are. You're right though, I just might have anger issues. Maybe because this same FML has been posted a dozen times, just switching location, or maybe I am just really an angry person.

On another note, though, your username is hilarious.

SecretAsianMann 3

Haha thanks:) When I worked retail, I frequently had to be informed when I was being flirted because I'm too much of a retard myself to pick up on the very obvious cues.

SecretAsianMann 3

Haha thanks:) When I worked retail, I frequently had to be informed when I was being flirted because I'm too much of a retard myself to pick up on the very obvious cues.

SecretAsianMann 3

Haha thanks:) When I worked in retail, I had to be informed by someone else every time I was flirted with because I was too much of a retard myself to catch on to the very obvious cues.

SecretAsianMann 3

Haha thanks:) When I worked in retail, I had to be informed by someone else every time I was flirted with because I was too much of a retard myself to catch on to the very obvious cues.

Hahaha, I did this two days ago. The checker wasn't a very happy person either, and she was the one who noticed it was my driver's license. I laughed and said "Just keeping you on your toes". She just glared at me, clearly unamused. ..The world needs more people with a sense of humour..

As a cashier, I hear that excuse a least three times a day. It's hard to act like you're funny when we've heard that said to death. It has nothing to do with our sense of humor.

sweetSandy 0

lol wow YDI for not noticing but at least the check out person was hot lol

Can't wait to see someone take a screenshot of this FML and submit it to Failblog xDD

EveryDayJackAss 0

hm.....the OP probably has ADD and got distracted by the random banana dancing right next to him!