By crazyparents - 10/11/2010 07:12 - Australia
howtragic tells us more.
I am 24 years old and have been married for 4 years, own my own home etc. I went to private schools and uni, all the "good family" crap. But in reality, my mother is just off the rails, and my father is just as bad. She's always been like this, and it was ok when it was just me she was trying to hurt me but its gone beyond that now. Calling it quits and keeping well away from her. And she dosn't take sugar.
Top comments
time to commit mom to the state.
she's a freakin' mental case!
ur moms offence
#11--You are a perfect example of KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Key her face--that was great.
your mom needs psychological help. something along the lines of a white jacket with lots of straps and a room with bars on the windows!
You need to phone the police, obviously she's not getting the psychological help she needs. A restraining order will keep you and your baby safe until she sorts her s**t out.
your mother needs help. mental hospital help.
crazy much....I think you should give her a sippy cup, plastic keys, and a nice padded room. I would definitely be pissed and she would be on her way to shady pines nursing home for an extended "vacation"