A bunch of ghosts did it!

By Anonymous - 26/10/2023 00:02

Today, I spent hours decorating my front yard for Halloween. When I stepped back to admire my work, the wind blew all the decorations into my neighbor's yard. Of course, they're currently away on a long vacation and I can't get to my stuff, so… you're welcome, I guess! FML
I agree, your life sucks 418
You deserved it 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I doubt they'll appreciate it. They don't seem like Halloween people to me.

Wadlaen 23

Why can't you go into your neighbor's garden and get it? As you said, they're not home, so it should be just to walk over and get it, shouldn't it?


I doubt they'll appreciate it. They don't seem like Halloween people to me.

Wadlaen 23

Why can't you go into your neighbor's garden and get it? As you said, they're not home, so it should be just to walk over and get it, shouldn't it?

Why can't you go get it? Do they have a fence? Dang, that must be some wind - it would have had to pick up all your decorations (and they must not have weighed anything), then dumped them directly down into your neighbors' fenced-in yard. Sheesh.