Alexa, play 'Karen Don’t Be Sad' by Miley Cyrus

By Buy yourself flowers then - 23/02/2023 10:00

Today, my girlfriend posted “Alexa, play 'Flowers' by Miley Cyrus” as her Facebook status, all because I didn’t return her 14 missed calls. Apparently, taking an online proctored exam, which required absolute concentration counts as “talking to other women.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 041
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least, now you know how crazy she is and how little she trusts you. Get out, while you still can.


At least, now you know how crazy she is and how little she trusts you. Get out, while you still can.

This does not sound like a mentally well woman. You need to either get her to seek help or run for the hills.

Well…the proctor was probably a woman. And how does she know that’s what you were doing? And what about all the fictional women in the exam? Yeah, I wasted 19 years of my life on someone who was exactly that insecure as well. She’s probably a raving narcissist and beyond repair. Just remember this - if you end it, be prepared to look like the bad guy.

I've never understood why people mourn the loss of relationships like this. Move on from this toxicity, you shouldn't have to defend your every move.