Alexa, play "Make It Stop" by Low

By Sonotsuave - 22/10/2022 12:00 - United States - Mclean

Today, like every day since the new neighbors moved into the townhouse next door, their newborn won’t stop crying. The room the two toddlers and newborn are in apparently shares a wall with my bedroom, so I hear crying while I work remote, study remote, and try to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 995
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've heard of this. Bosses want to get workers back into the office and they're incentivizing families with screaming children to move next to their remote employees. It's slightly cheaper than giving you a pay raise for coming back to the office.

they are children. you use to scream and piss people off too


I've heard of this. Bosses want to get workers back into the office and they're incentivizing families with screaming children to move next to their remote employees. It's slightly cheaper than giving you a pay raise for coming back to the office.

they are children. you use to scream and piss people off too

They're trying their best. You do t think that the parents are embarrassed that they might be disturbing their neighbors? Move to a different room or get some earplugs, they are doing all they can.

I hope you filed a noise complaint. Family of small kids or not, you have a right to peace in your home, especially at night to sleep.