Alexa, play "Why Can't I Be You?" by The Cure

By UGHHHH - 17/10/2023 00:02

Today, my best friend and longtime crush actually said the words, “Why can’t I find a girl like you?” I told him, “I'm a girl like me, am I not enough?” He winced, hemmed and hawed at the answer, then quickly changed the subject. FML
I agree, your life sucks 944
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He means a girl with your personality only better-looking. I hope that clears up any confusion.

He might be your best friend, but he isn't interested romantically. Move on from your crush and find someone who does want you that way. Waiting for him will only cause more heartbreak.


I mean, sure, he doesn't have to date YOU, but his answer- or lack thereof- was rude.

He probably was taken by surprised and didn't know how to answer without hurting her feeling. Actually, I'm not sure what would have been a good answer..

He means a girl with your personality only better-looking. I hope that clears up any confusion.

He might be your best friend, but he isn't interested romantically. Move on from your crush and find someone who does want you that way. Waiting for him will only cause more heartbreak.