Another fine mess

By Anonymous - 15/09/2012 04:44 - United States - Modesto

Today, the gas company came to connect our stove for free. While here, they broke our hot water heater, shut it off, and issued us a hazard notice. We can fix it, but they won't be able to come back for another two weeks to turn the gas back on. We don't have any hot water until then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 564
You deserved it 1 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If they broke it, they have to fix it for free, and do it right. It's legal code for them to. (i do these things for a living)..Otherwise you'd win in a court case if it happens to cost you a few grand. Water heaters are quite expensive. So give them a warning or something.

perdix 29

Cold showers build character and rid the mind of perverted thoughts.


Mousie1097 5

You deserve it. If you don't know how to hook up your own stove, you're probably a redneck white trash dumbass. And you're ruining this country.

akinsel2 6

do you actually have any idea how to hook up a gas stove?? it's not as simple as plug it in and go. First, in OP's case you would have to run a gas pipe up from your basement to the wall behind the stove with a shut-off in it, making sure that every joint has absolutely no leaks or else you could blow your house up. (That is the only reason they would be near OP's water heater, is if the line to the stove wasn't already installed) Then you have to attach the stove not only to a power source, but to the gas line itself, again making sure that the flex-line running from the stove to the newly installed gas pipe has no leaks. I know exactly how to do it, and I also know that I would rather someone else who does it for a living do it for me. You cannot afford to make any mistakes when it comes to gas.

Mousie1097 5

Yeah no shit dumbass. My father does this for a living

Just because he knows how to do it and must have taught you, it doesn't mean everyone else knows. Twat.

Mousie1097 5

Seriously? That's your best insult? Twat?? Geezuz this place is full of old people

gummy_bears1492 0

Hey how about this? You stop being a dumb ****! There's a lot of people who don't know how to hook up a gas stove. It's not a very common thing to know. So shut your ***** mouth and do something useful like working at not being such a bitch.

escobar07 10

Dang that sucks. You should have done it yourself its really not that hard.

nachosbabygurl 9
alabamajoe77 3

Hmm if OP is legit, you have legal standing to sue. And they have to relocate you and your family at their expense until repairs are complete. I hate bs. There's more to this story being left out to make it interesting.

WorstLifeLiver19 0

That should be a "wtf u broke it and now ur telling me u won't fix it, how about I'll be back within next few days or labor and my next month is free!!!"

OceanBlueSea 12

That sucks I know what that's like, out hot water was off for almost three weeks during the summer which wasn't so bad because it was so hot, but it was off for 2 weeks in the winter. Sucks OP I'm sorry.

I hope you called and filed a major complaint.

aprilmattson17 12

I didn't have hot water for 6 months. Two weeks is nothing.

Sounds like a lower utility bill this month!

Ohhhh I would raise hell!! They broke it, they fix it!