Awkward family moments

By hated - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that my dad is more comfortable talking to the dog than sitting in the same room as me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 990
You deserved it 2 930

Top comments

I think that is just a dad thing. My father in law can't talk to my wife for the life of him. If he is the only person there when we stop by it is really awkward because he can't keep up a conversation with her at all. He loves her, believe me getting married to her was like being read my rights (not the actual ceremony but having to tell him I'd asked her), he just doesn't have that type of relationship with her. Don't sweat it, men just like dogs.


jennay8288 1
Dont_Explain 3

The obvious solution to fix this would be to be a bitch, then he has to find a new creature to talk with.

well what did you do that makes your dad so uncomfortable?

dudeitsdanny 9

Stop masturbating in front of your dad. =O Kidding. It sucks, but I'm sure it's not personal.

HyperExecuter 0

I think that is just a dad thing. My father in law can't talk to my wife for the life of him. If he is the only person there when we stop by it is really awkward because he can't keep up a conversation with her at all. He loves her, believe me getting married to her was like being read my rights (not the actual ceremony but having to tell him I'd asked her), he just doesn't have that type of relationship with her. Don't sweat it, men just like dogs.