Baby you can drive my car

By yeah - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Eugene

Today, I got in trouble for missing my shift. According to my idiot boss, "Crashes don't just happen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 402
You deserved it 2 003

Top comments

Wreck his car. When he asks, say the exact same thing.

Explain "chaos theory" to your boss. BOOM.


Wreck his car. When he asks, say the exact same thing.

Explain "chaos theory" to your boss. BOOM.

OP would be wasting their time. Boss is probably too much of an idiot to understand.

oakcrush 16

Wow, sorry you got into a crash. Hopefully you didn't get hurt!

your boss is a moron. Hope your ok OP!

You're* as in you're an idiot for not knowing this.

thats not even right. you dont say 'you are boss is an idiot' your is correct in this case

leogachi 15

The second "your" should be "you're" though.

^^^I would agree, but if you're going to call someone a moron, you might want to make an effort to proofread your comment for grammatical errors.

JMichael 25

I honestly don't understand managers that act that way. Unless of course, you call out often and he has reason to doubt you? If not, he's an asshat and I'm sorry you have to deal with him.

dca101 23

If crashes didn't happen, I'd be saving quite a bit by not having to pay for car insurance.

He didn't say crashes don't happen. He said crashes don't "JUST" happen. The "just" implies that he wants to find blame in OP and even go as far as to imply that the crash had to be OP's fault no matter what and that if he/she were competent he wouldn't have gotten into a crash.

Well on a certain level he has a point and it's true that... sorry, no I have nothing. He needs to learn what "accident" means.