Bad boy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 2 year-old son decided to pee on the dog for the second day in a row. I'm afraid this will turn into a routine thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 268
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope the dog learns to defend itself and bite off the kids little weiner...

awe it's your job to train your kid haha poor dog :(


what are you teaching him or the lack of

This is just your kids way of demonstrating and marking his territory. That dog is his. End of story! lol

Let the dog handle this. The dog will show your kid who's boss when he bites his peniss off. Afterwards, your child will never aim at the dog again.

Filur 0

Come on. You're the boss. It doesn't become a routine thing unless you let it become one.

Your kid is showing the dog that he is the Alpha Male. Pee on your kid. You'll be showing him that you're the Alpha Female and he is your territory; he has to live by your rules. If he refuses... tell him to piss off. Get it? Piss off? See what I did there?

I know people that used to learn over the side of their deck and pee on whatever was below: pets, plants, a car, a bike, even people! And they did that until they were seven or eight.

Just roll up a news paper and hit his noae while shoving his face in it..... He'll learn

nomnom_muffins 0

I totally agree with 83. However, 31, in the case that your child is autistic, there is not much to do there. But I am assuming the OP's kid is not, as it was never implied. Like many others so far have said, a simple swat on the bum should do the trick. Unless you are not a consistent parent, then it doesn't mean much. I've never had a kid though so what do I know, right?