Bad boys bad boys

By addie - 03/03/2013 08:27 - United States

Today, my fiancé called me as I was clocking out. I thought he was going to tell me that he was waiting outside. Instead, he told me that he's getting arrested and needs me to call his mom for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 236
You deserved it 3 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why wouldn't he just call his mom in the first place? And why would he rather have his mom help him than his fiance? Anyway, good luck OP!

maybe it wasn't something really bad. I once got arrested for drawing a cow on a bathroom wall.


Tell his mom that he told you to tell your mom to tell his mom's aunt's niece to talk about what happened.

SmallyBigs 9
Imhere4fml 24

By the looks of your picture, seems you already some.

maybe it wasn't something really bad. I once got arrested for drawing a cow on a bathroom wall.

I got arrested for public urination, disorderly conduct, and public drunkenness once, ........good times

MrBrightside21 20

17 - Not for the kids on the playground. Public urination is not a joke.

He was caught riding a unicorn naked, both of which are illegal in my state.

zero91 4

Why wouldn't he just call his mom in the first place? And why would he rather have his mom help him than his fiance? Anyway, good luck OP!

Exactly, why doesn't he have his own mother's number?

Maybe his mum's a pain in the ass to get in contact with. You only get one phone call, and the cops probably won't give a shit if they don't pick up.

enormouselephant 15

To add, maybe he needed to get ahold of his mom because it would be easier for her to help financially. Also, calling your fiancé is common curtesy. He probably knew that she would answer, help him get his mom, and also to let her know he wasn't going to be there on time and where he was.

The good news is that he can call you when he have trouble, and he seems like a decent enough guy since you assumed that he called to say he were waiting outside ^^ But I am kinda curious of why he was arrested though.. But I hope that do not crack your relationship or something, everyone can do something wrong at timea

That sucks - clocking off is supposed to be a relief

"Well isn't that convenient for you... AND the clock."

If the OP is clocking out and thinking her fiancé is outside waiting, that probably means he's her ride. He called to inform her he won't be picking her up. :P And why not have her call his mom? Maybe his mother would be able to help more in that type of situation.

wlddog 14

I have no idea why you are getting voted down Enslaved. It makes sense to me.

Thank you! (: Sometimes seeing thumbs down leads to mass hysteria. Water off a duck's back. :P

Be nice so he doesn't get upset and cry about it

He's probably gonna cry when he meets Bubba.

Hahahahahahaha, seriously? OP should be nice for her fiancé because he got arrested for something? Sure, she could show some sympathy or something, but your first thought being; 'be nice or he might cry', seems a bit stupid. He's a grown man, who got himself in jail, if OP wants to get mad at him for getting himself into this situation, she has all the right to.

RodGD 6

Don't get too upset, these things happen. However, if this is not the first time he's gotten arrested I'd think real hard about why I was with a person with multiple arrests.

33- For your own sake, please grow up and join the real world before you have to learn those lessons the hard way from a horrible, abusive partner that you stay with because you "love" him.

What does "clocking out" mean? Sorry, I'm not from a country with English as the main language

Pay no mind to comment #16, it refers to leaving work at the end of your shift. The term comes from when many jobs still used time-cards, and the terms "clocking in" and "clocking out" were used to describe the process of stamping said cad at the beginning and end of the day.

Wait, #16's definition isn't the right one? No wonder I got fired..

Llama_Face89 33

20- come on now that doesn't make any sense. Stop trying to confuse the poor guy.

If only 20 was cool enough to keep it going

@20 I'm from America and "clock out" isn't a term I hear very often, maybe it's an older phrase that isn't used that much anymore.