Bad parenting tips

By Anonymous - 02/08/2022 10:00

Today, even though I don’t have a problem with my ex having sex, I do have a problem with her bringing dudes home, who then meet my kid, confusing him. My kid is 4 years-old asked me if the guy from yesterday was his daddy, or if I was his daddy, even though I visit him every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 327
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does a 4 year old who's dad visits him every day confuse him with another man? Are you as present as you say, or you show up and spend your time talking to your ex, judging her choices etc. I never confused my absent dad to any of my mum's boyfriends. Everytime I saw my dad his priority was me, I have never seen him giving attention to his ex wife (my mum) or anyone we meet on street, his only priority was to be dad spending time with daughter. And I only saw the man couple of times in my first decade of life. If you visit daily, I assume you live separately. Is there a reason you can't offer to take the son to your place for the night when mum has a date? Could you not compromise when she has a date, since it makes you uncomfortable to have your child in the house with mum and her guest, then you should happily take the extra quality time on offer with your child.

I agree, my father moved out of town before he found out my mother was pregnant, but he bussed over an hour every weekend, then drove when he got a car, and I spent every other weekend with him once I was old enough for such long times away. even child support he set up to pay extra when he could. I never had the question who my real dad was even if he wasn't around for a month due to certain work seasons.


How does a 4 year old who's dad visits him every day confuse him with another man? Are you as present as you say, or you show up and spend your time talking to your ex, judging her choices etc. I never confused my absent dad to any of my mum's boyfriends. Everytime I saw my dad his priority was me, I have never seen him giving attention to his ex wife (my mum) or anyone we meet on street, his only priority was to be dad spending time with daughter. And I only saw the man couple of times in my first decade of life. If you visit daily, I assume you live separately. Is there a reason you can't offer to take the son to your place for the night when mum has a date? Could you not compromise when she has a date, since it makes you uncomfortable to have your child in the house with mum and her guest, then you should happily take the extra quality time on offer with your child.

I agree, my father moved out of town before he found out my mother was pregnant, but he bussed over an hour every weekend, then drove when he got a car, and I spent every other weekend with him once I was old enough for such long times away. even child support he set up to pay extra when he could. I never had the question who my real dad was even if he wasn't around for a month due to certain work seasons.

slhiggx 17

Unpopular opinion: your 4 yr old is stupid. (Common sense was already spoken, and honestly what I just said ^)

Tell him you are all his daddy. Now you are on the hook for only half his college expenses. If your ex-wife keeps slutting it up, your obligation could become an ever-shrinking fraction.