
By Anonymous - 23/05/2010 05:32 - Canada

Today, my best friend of 10 years told me she had slept with a man who had a girlfriend. I told her that it wasn't that bad. She then informed me that it was my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 971
You deserved it 10 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GraceMarieC 13

YDI for telling her it wasn't bad in the first place.

It's all fun and games until it involves you.


Quest_ 13

You kind of deserve it hardcore for dismissing it until you became the victim.

danielleeycakes 3

if she hadn't dismisses it, she would have never been told.

mjolene 0

I let my boyfriend have sex with a girl if he wants as long as he's safe and honest with me about it and we have one of the best relationships I've ever seen. we truely love each other and by being so open with each other I know I can trust him entirely with anything. I will be with him until I die, so pretty much just goes to show that "cheaters" are not always a bad thing. openess brings closeness if you give it a chance.

While I like and agree with your ideas, they're not relevant to this thread. Sex is not equivalent to cheating. Cheating is about dishonesty and lying. If you have an open relationship, then having sex with someone else is, by definition, *not* cheating, since it's not breaking a promise. But if two people have an understanding that they will both be monogamous, and then one of them breaks that promise, that is something entirely different.

But that's the point, she didn't know about it. You do, and allow it, I'm pretty sure that at least 50% of the population would not allow it. You're just using this FML to tell people how open and amazing you are when in fact it's just disfunctional.

WTF is wrong with you people? Jesus.

uhm...I was under the impression when in a relationship you only have sex with that person unless you both decide on a threesome? isn't it called something like being "loyal?" letting your boyfriend have sex with other girls? what the hell. if you two were in love that wouldn't happen.

and you can share the benefits of this open relationship, like herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis...I could go on.

deannamarie12 0

#27, how can you both be "truely in love" when your okay with him having sex with other women? Thats lust, not love.

Do you have sex with other men? If he is the only one looking for outside attention, that's pretty ****** up.

green_eyes124 0

what the heck?! that's some screwed up logic ya got there 27!

62 is totally right. whether your boyfriend is safe or not there is a chance that he can get something, which you can then get. again your not in love.

Excellent, excellent point 31. I tend to believe that very few people can pull off an "open" relationship in our culture, and I suspect that at least one partner would have to have self-esteem issues to agree to it. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and who knows, maybe this girl is one of them. Regardless, what she described is not really cheating, and rather irrelevant.

pseudolife 4

OP, like you said it's not that bad. Ouch...

Well your "best friend" of 10 years was definitely trying to play you. First get you to support the concept that sex with someone else's BF is ok, then give you the details she had withheld earlier. However, perhaps this will cause OP to reconsider her opinions about fidelity, and what actually is "ok". It's fine so long as it's someone else who is getting hurt, huh? I doubt it's much use to you, but get them both to talk to you about it, see if it was more the one-off "accident", or more a planned betrayal. And then see if you can forgive them and move on, or just forget them and move on...

perdix 29

You people are too serious!!!! Why did it take until comment #41 to recommend the obvious and fun course? THREESOME! Readers come here for laughs and boners (or tingly feelings in the lady parts), not advice and judgment from amateur psychologists and ethicists. Yuck it up, people!

Lol.. "Hiiiigh school... is such a serious thing... these problems maaatter!"

Xavi89 0

#45, the best friend isn't 10. they've been best friends for 10 years.