Biblically correct frustration

By Bigfoot73 - 09/03/2023 08:00 - United States - Statesville

Today, it's been twelve years, seven months, and fifteen days since my wife has wanted sex. She was drunk. She no longer drinks. Guess my name is Job now and I have to be patient. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 124
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not marriage that's roommates.

Have you ever talked with her about it?


That's not marriage that's roommates.

Have you ever talked with her about it?

That'd be a good middle name if your first name were Blow or Hand.

was she drunk when she dated you the entire time, was she drunk when she said yes, cause something is very off

Do you honestly think that 'patience' is the right strategy here? I would recommend you rather go for '**** this shit, I deserve better'.

XRP123 11

Unless you are a cat, you only get one life. Move on.