Birthday Girl

By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I got just three calls all day. The first one was my fiancé, saying he wanted his ring back. The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancé for the past three months. The third was the dentist's office, to sing me a happy birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 413 734
You deserved it 21 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xyzstephzyx 0

best friend...? Yeah, right. punch her in the mouth, that *****. happy birthday!

Aetius_fml 0

At least you have a cool dentist


gir321 0

does anyone else find this incredibly fake? and if it isn't I give you a YDI for being with a guy that would do that to you on your birthday and cheat on you and having a backstabbing best friend.

pinkdinosaur64 0

sell the ring, and that girl is not your best friend and your fiancee is an asshole

It could have been worse...the dentist office could have called to tell you that you needed a root canal...

Lurch420 0

It's my birthday too, Happy birthday! and you ex fiancee is an asshole.

I hope you know you don't have to give the ring back if he's the one that caused the breakup. Sell it and buy yourself something nice!

Happy birthday! I hope things get better for you! Pawn the ring. Treat yourself to something. Lose the "friend." And be happy you didn't actually go through with marrying the bastard.

god, that *sucks*. happy birthday though! :-)

You avoided marriage to an asshole! You will look back on this as the best day of your life! Now, go **** a bunch of guys (use a condom EVERY time) and pick a good one to keep eventually. Find an ugly girl to be your best friend and you won't have to worry about her stealing your man. Now go out and get laid on your birthday! Thank the dentist's office tomorrow.

that_guy321 2

hey at least you got 1/3 that's a .333 in baseball, which is pretty decent happy birthday, btw