
By stuck - 11/05/2022 09:00 - United States

Today, due to some serious health and financial issues, I literally have no choice but to have my mom watch my kids. She's turned my son into the most spoiled insufferable brat, I can’t stand it. Then I feel like I’m punishing him at home for what his grandmother enforces in hers. I don't know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 953
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have a honest chat with your mom, saying that you appreciate her hard work and willingness to watch him, however you would like to keep the same standard and rules at her home as yours. so that way your son has consistency within each home and not misbehaving for either of you

Jon Tessler 14

explain to your mom, the things you don't want her to do. your child, your rules


Your rules at your house; grandma's rules at grandma's house. Was that so hard?

Jon Tessler 14

explain to your mom, the things you don't want her to do. your child, your rules

I would have a honest chat with your mom, saying that you appreciate her hard work and willingness to watch him, however you would like to keep the same standard and rules at her home as yours. so that way your son has consistency within each home and not misbehaving for either of you

Call your local Republican Party. Since they are the self-appointed experts on who should have children, they are likely experts on how to raise them.

kitten79TX 5

You talk to your mother. you set boundaries. You request she respect your parenting.