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By I Know How to Pick'em - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Beaverton

Today, as I had a chat with my boyfriend and a couple of his friends, one of them had brought up my boyfriend's son and his other child who was due any day now. The conversation would have went well, had I known that he had a son and a pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 829
You deserved it 2 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't wanna be one of those people with the quick "Dump him" comments, but ...dump him

Dump and expose him!!! However, just don't interfere with the poor woman and her child though. I feel so bad for you and the other woman, she's probably engaged/married or just a mother.


Not telling her every little thing about his life is one thing. Not telling her something huge like the fact that he had a kid and another on the way is another.

Nah, he just saw a pretty face and wanted to talk to you 5.

spinster5 17

Omg, I'm sorry to be a grammar Nazi, but do you really not know basic grammar? Your sentence should read, "would have GONE well." Our society is turning into an idiocracy! The fact that no one else even cared to comment on this is proof. Am I the only one who's afraid of the world my children are going to live in? Sorry to be harsh but I find this seriously disturbing.

No, you are not the only one who notices things like that, however you neglected to mention the fact that OP the word "girlfriend" to describe the other mother. That should probably read as "ex-girlfriend" unless she's into that sort of sister girlfriend thing.

I'm more afraid of our nitpicking, overly sensitive, easily offended members of society that, instead of feeling sorry for someone in an awful situation, would rather pick apart her grammar in a publicly shaming way. Hopefully my future children won't be coming into contact with yours, sweetie.

#48 nowhere does OP imply that the mother of the second child is a past girlfriend, so assuming it should be "ex" is just that - an assumption. Just FYI, people DO cheat, so he could have a pregnant girlfriend AND OP as a girlfriend on the side.

You know what I find disturbing? I find the fact that a self-proclaimed "grammar nazi" begins their lecture with "omg" even more horrifying. Someone pretending to be smart and still using moronic acronyms is a tad bit worse than someone making no claims to their intelligence making a typo or minor grammar error. Don't be a wanker until you speak like an adult.

46, this isn't a class, or an essay, or a work proposal. This is fml. Who cares if she's using proper grammar while complaining about the horrible crap that's going on in her life. As long as she's not speaking text talk and it's legible, than no one should really care.

Britt125 16

Yes, I too, am afraid of the world my children will live in, but only because of uptight and insensitive people like you in the world. It's a shitty situation, some basic compassion and not being a dick towards the OP would be nice. For starters people make mistakes and shit happens, and some people have learning and/or language barriers so it's just being a dick to get so upset over something so stupid and kind of idiotic when you don't even know anything about them or why their English is less than perfect. People like you are the problem, not somebody who made a harmless mistake.

So that means you're single? ;) but seriously that guy is quite a scumbag to be dating two girls and having kids with one of them

katina1236 20

Run far and fast. If he lied about that then that's your red flag. And if he's cheating on her with you then he has other side girls. Out him to his girlfriend too, she doesn't need him or his lies in her or her kids lives. Good luck op.

corky1992 33

If a guy cheats on his pregnant girlfriend then he's a real piece of shit. I'm sorry that he got another girl pregnant and I'm sorry you found out the way you did..that really does suck.

Reminds me of MTV's exposed... Hope your next relationship goes better

drayloon 50