
By YoMamma68 - 31/03/2022 04:00

Today, my girlfriend texted me a screenshot of a bathing suit on a store’s website and asked for my opinion. I told her it wouldn’t look good. She then texted me a screenshot of me liking a picture of a friend on Facebook, wearing that same bathing suit, saying, “But on her it looks fine, right?” Fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 419
You deserved it 3 423

Same thing different taste

Congratulations, you played yourself

By What have I done - 19/05/2024 10:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I asked a girl from Bumble for a full body pic. She was obese, so I told her it wasn’t gonna work. She then sent a video of her in real time looking slim and told me that picture was from when she was obese, and she'd sent that picture as a “test of my character” and she’s “better off without someone so judgy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 292
You deserved it 1 164

Top comments

It's a trap!!! What are you doing looking at girls in bathing suits and leaving a record for eternity that you did? Can't you just secretly jerk off like a normal guy?


YDI, how dare you want your friends to get positive feedback for their wardrobe choices.

It's a trap!!! What are you doing looking at girls in bathing suits and leaving a record for eternity that you did? Can't you just secretly jerk off like a normal guy?

you have a lot to learn young grasshopper. chalk that up as something NEVER to say to your girl

insecure psycho. I can't stand people like that. send her the No Mo Dick video on YouTube, it's very fitting

Honestly if your girlfriend is that jealous, leave her.

Did you come here for sympathy? Because you won't get it here