Caught in 4K

By Nothing Special - 23/12/2015 06:54 - United States - Hixson

Today, it's been a week since I flew down to stay with my long-distance boyfriend. We went on long walks on the shore, under the stars, and had an unforgettable picnic viewing the sunset. I just now received a message of screenshots displaying him attempting to hook up with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 906
You deserved it 1 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Long walks under the stars are not worth being cheated on. Remember that!

How to ruin a long distance relationship 101: be an unloyal douchebag. Sorry to hear about that OP :(


How to ruin a long distance relationship 101: be an unloyal douchebag. Sorry to hear about that OP :(

I would bitch about her unloyal boyfriend, but I'm more interested in WHO sent her those screenshots. Still, YLS.

Long walks under the stars are not worth being cheated on. Remember that!

Well...The picnic viewing the sunset wasn't the only unforgettable experience, sadly.

Cheaters make my blood boil. I'm sorry OP, some people are good actors. On the bright side at least you will save money by not having to get him Christmas presents :D

As horrible and heartbreaking as finding this out is, at least you know now and once you go back home you can begin to heal and eventually find someone who deserves you and will appreciate you. Long distance doesn't always work, it's tough on both parties. but if he was this unhappy he should have just left instead of cheating on you.

Was his profile description "Looking for more than picnics and long walks on the beach"?

One word. He is not worth it. And who ever sent u those screenshots trying to save you from that relationship

nonsensical 26

"He is not worth it" is five words...

I've never understood how you can be all loving with one person whilst trying to hook up with someone else at the same time.

This will turn out to be one of those situations where the "other girl" turns out to be his sister.

#18 I seriously doubt that, since he's trying to hook up with her. I don't know about you, but my siblings never hit on me.

I'm thinking in the sitcom sense. A girl walks up to a guy and kisses his cheek. Girlfriend's friends see it. Tell girlfriend. Girlfriend plans revenge. Hilarity ensues. Truth comes out. Roll credits.

Yes, except OP didn't see the guy with another girl. She was forwarded a screenshot of him trying to hook up with another girl. Like I said, my brother never sexts me.

Girlfriend never sees, first hand. And, to some people, "trying to hook up" means having coffee at an outdoor cafe with an unidentified woman (who turns out to be the sister).

Ohhh he's good lol But seriously, what an asshole

Not that good if the other girl has to screenshot his sad attempts to OP.

Well I know someone who is newly single. Sorry to hear that OP. On the bright side you can find someone loyal now and possibly someone who lives closer to you too!