Caught in 4K

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 13:04 - Malta

Today, my parents were out so I invited my girlfriend over. It was the afternoon, and things started to heat up. We were having sex, and I was about to finish. Then I looked through the window, to see a construction worker (who was fixing the house next to mine) giving me a thumbs up. He's her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 196 642
You deserved it 34 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MistAtMarseilles 0

at least the family is supportive did he give you any pointers? haha


burnedoutonlife 0

Hey, at least he was cheering you on. He could have been pointing that clip fed gas operated nail gun at your face.

i honestly can't believe this. no dad would give a thumbs up. if they didn't care, they would pretend that they didn't see. that's just creepy, and if it is real, if feel terrible for that girl.

wtf this is so NOT an fml. this is a "yes, my girlfriend's dad is dope."

that is the coolest thing i ever heard

Krunk 0

Agree with #4. It's a good thing the dad approves.

It's an FML because her dad def. didn't realize it was her, but if he ever meets the poster or goes to his house Dad'll make the connection that he saw the dude having sex while he was working the job next door and realize he saw his daughter getting nailed.... and then the poster is toast

jennaleighhh 0

can i have her dad as my dad? Because that is AWESOME.

hrmm maybe he doesn't know its his daughter

brcck 0

That is awesome. Kinda weird. But AWESOME.

this sounds a little too coincidental and perverted to be real...