
By fail - 26/04/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I worked a carwash as a fundraiser. Being nice, I figured I'd bring my car, get it washed, and donate some money. When it was my car's turn to be washed, everyone was conveniently busy washing other cars. My car was in front and needed to be washed and moved. I paid $10 to wash my own car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 735
You deserved it 11 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's for charity so it didn't all go to waste. Washing your car really isn't that bad either.

you donated $10 to a good cause though...


It's for charity so it didn't all go to waste. Washing your car really isn't that bad either.

hubbabubbba 0

no u didn't. u cleaned ur car and got exercise, and donated $10 to charity. how is this an fml? srry but I just dnt see it

you donated $10 to a good cause though...

Basically you donated some money and volunteered. Not a FML. Would have just been a good person had you not complained.

ZiggyMorrison 0

haha niether 3 or 4 were first wow thats rather annoying but #2 how do you know it was a good cause the OP didnt say it could have easily been the principle needing a boob job

herpEs_fml 0

3&4 FAIL. If you cared that much you could've just waited.

Meh, so what? You were going to be washing cars anyway, why does it matter that one of them was yours?

asxp10 0

I was thinking exactly the same thing as #10. If you weren't washing your car and others were, you'd still be washing a different car. Not an FML though, and the money goes to charity.