Clerks 3

By AkaiKitsune - 17/06/2017 14:00

Today, a customer passed out in the bathroom, so we didn't realize he was there until after closing. I don't know what he'd shot up, but whatever it was told him he should run around naked. It's been two hours and the cops still haven't shown up. I can't leave until he does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 858
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep calling the cops? Are you telling them you fear for your safety?

*Reads OP's user name* Are you sure your horse didn't teach him that? ;)


Thank goodness the store was closed at this point!

*Reads OP's user name* Are you sure your horse didn't teach him that? ;)

Eashy 16

Does your boss pay more for overtime?

Keep calling the cops? Are you telling them you fear for your safety?

azouwa 26

I would of placed him and his belongings outside and shut and locked the door. he's lucky he's dealing with you and not me.

first you gotta catch the naked man. and that may include accidentally touching his wiener

GIJoefan 6

I would say it was bath salts, but I'm not sure if that can be injected, and they don't make you pass out.

I'd have called 911. Then an ambulance and a cop would have shown up. You could say he was delusional and acting violent and erratic and you thought he was having a medical emergency.

Wow...third FML published in less than a week! That's amazing! You're on a roll. At least this one isn't about your horse(s).

Adeline90 10

OMG!!!Where do you work exactly?

Right by two drug regab centres and a minimum security prison.