Clout chasing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, to give the illusion that I have friends, I wrote an outrageous status on Facebook, and then pretended it was the result of a friend hacking my page, all in the hope that it would get comments, likes, or at least some attention. Nothing happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 586
You deserved it 47 185

Same thing different taste


It annoys me when people get fraped and they say they got hacked... Being daft enough to leave your computer alone =/= hacking >_>

minktheshrink 0

phishing is another thing. "oh man my facebook got hacked." no your just an idiot and gave your information to someone

Hotness1 0

LMAO True everyones Facebook is getting hacked these days =(

Ironic that you should come to THIS website looking for sympathy...

don't listen to all these people our society is full of people who live to step on other people. all though that wasn't a smart idea lol :) try getting a job or joining your community for community service and try and make some friends :) just be yourself!

but if you had no friends in real life how did you have friends on facebook??

the_elephant_fly 3

nobody ever replies to those "hacked by your bestie" posts. it's retarded.

OP, I know what it's like to not have friends. I've gone through times of "transition" when I've outgrown friends, and it's tough. However, attention-seeking stunts won't earn you any friends.

tykiej 0

That is because you are a loser.

Why don't you try to make friends online instead? It's a start.. or start posting geolocation info to your profile to start conversation.