Company time

By IStillHaveMy8hrShiftToGo - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Beaverton

Today, I came in to work early at a restaurant to help out. I stocked, baked pies for the next day, cleaned and set over 50 tables, and vacuumed the entire two stories. When I went to send an order for the first customer of mine, I realized I hadn't even clocked on. Four and half hours of work wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 754
You deserved it 10 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask your boss to adjust your hours. Simple solution.

Not wasted. Your boss needs to have a "plan B" for people who forget to clock in. By law you aren't required to work for free even if you forgot to clock in.


Maybe you need memory enhancement pills so that you can remember to clock in

If your boss isn't an asshole, it an be easily fixed.

Any manager or supervisor worth his/her salt can fix that in a heartbeat. So long as you hit them up for the fix in a timely manner.

How would you forget to clock in if you do it on a daily basis? It's simple just remember but sorry

Because when you come in not for your normal shift (called in/training/whatever), you start rushing, not doing your normal routine. Have off days sometime, it happens to everybody. Thankfully it's not too big of a deal in this case.

middlenamefrank 8

So you didn't really go in early "to help out". You went in early to clock extra hours. That's fine, but don't talk about it as if it's coming from the goodness of your heart.

He never said it was from the goodness of his heart. It was for both his benefit and the company's. And as mentioned above, it's very illegal for people to work without getting paid (hourly, not salary).

Don't talk as if you know his reasons. He could've gone in cause he wanted to put in extra work, that doesn't mean he doesn't expect pay for his hard work. Stop making his work sound like he's being selfish. People work for money, that's how it is.

I'm sure there's cameras proving your work. Just explain the situation.

Can't you just ask the manager to adjust it?

You should be able to have someone fix that.

Considering a time fix is the easiest thing in the world this isn't even close to an FML.

Goblin182 26

Surely your boss will adjust your hours (Don't call me Shirly). If not, working for 4-1/2 hours for free will help you remember to clock in from now on.

Thumbed up for the "Don't call me Shirley"