
By Alex - 15/08/2011 04:16 - New Zealand

Today, it was my engagement party. All was going fabulously, until my fiancé's dad decided to give us a toast, and completely forgot my name in front of all my family and friends. I've been with his son for 7 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 057
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"To my son getting married to...what's her name again?"

FYL double: (1) He forgot your name. (after 7 years of dating his son) (2) Your Father-in-law (to be) is too stupid to improvise and refer to you as "the bride to be" or "my future daughter-in-law"


Playful1985 9

Blame it on the al-co-co-co-hol

More of an FML for him than you. Imagine how awkward that would be.

Doubt he forgot he was prolly nervous and had a "brain fart"

LittleRRed 5

He probably just had a brain fart or had a little too much of the bubbly lol

Nini101 2

I wonder if he was a little drunk, but it still doesn't excuse him from forgetting your name and think of it this way, at least his parents aren't overly invovled in your life because I know people like that.

p2theORTER 0
love1119 0