
By Anonymous - 04/03/2016 21:59 - United States - Richmond

Today, as a public defender, my client was actually innocent for once. I intended to utterly destroy the prosecution's case and demonstrate his good character. That plan went straight to hell when he showed up heavily intoxicated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 422
You deserved it 1 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

You would make a hell of a lawyer if your client still ended up innocent.

You sure he was actually innocent...?


You sure he was actually innocent...?

Innocent until proven guilty. Showing up drunk doesn't mean he was guilty, of course. But in the eyes of a jury and judge, it certainly doesn't help his case.

I'm honestly just joking haha but true what you said

You tried your best, everything will be alright :)

His own fault, not yours. You did your job and you tried :)

Sulphuric_Glue 16

Unless it's a no win no fee which is unlikely for this sort of lawyer but still possible Edit: What am I thinking? This is American, everything costs money over there

You did your job, if your client wanted to win, they should've done their job and come into court in a professional manner. Sorry, OP.

Steve97 32

You would make a hell of a lawyer if your client still ended up innocent.

Schmavid64 13

Actually the client would end up classified as "not guilty." In most western nations courts don't proclaim someone as innocent but instead as not guilty. Semantics I know.

Depending on how airtight the defense is, I'm sure OP could at least make a case for reasonable doubt, which is all that is required to get a "not guilty" verdict (due process is awesome that way).

CheekyRaccoon 27

I guess he finally got his half price vodka then.

Druu 53

His sobriety in court has no bearing on the underlying crime with which he's charged. It merely diminishes your attempt to prove character, which you would not do unless his character is called into question by the prosecution first. You don't sound like a lawyer. (For the next time you want to play lawyer, remember innocent until proven guilty. Your outlook on the case and client speaks volumes in front of the judge, jury, your colleagues, etc.)

crazytwinsmom 25

Was he charged with drunk and disorderly or DUI?

I can just imagine the OP saying something along the lines of "As you can see, your honor, my client is an upstanding citizen who would never drink in public or act in a disorderly manner ..." following which the client would shout "What did you say?!?" before stumbling up to the judge and throwing up before passing out ...

Quick, use the Chewbacca defense! Never fails.