
By Anonymous - 06/11/2022 02:00

Today, I had to face the fact that although I’ve been married for almost 2 years, my dream girl has come into my life and wants a relationship. I don’t know how to break it off with my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 221
You deserved it 1 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely your dream girl will realize that you will betray her down the line for the next dream girl. Good luck with that.

AzraelAngelus 15

You are a disgrace to all men


Three thoughts: 1. If you're going to do it, sooner is better than later. Don't waste your wife's time; give her time to start finding someone who appreciates her more than you do. 2. Your dream girl might not be all that you think she is, while you're idealizing her rather than living day-to-day reality with her. Definitely get to know her better before doing anything rash. 3. Consider polyamory, if your wife and dream girl are open to the idea. Learn about it first. Don't just jump into it. There's a lot to know, and you'll encounter new challenges in polyamory. (Then again, monogamy introduces challenges, such as having to choose between your dream girl and your wife.) Good luck to all of you.

AzraelAngelus 15

You are a disgrace to all men

Fake your own death and run away with the dream girl. Or polygamy. There are really no other realistic options.

Surely your dream girl will realize that you will betray her down the line for the next dream girl. Good luck with that.

ODBeefalo 10

it's 2022, banging more than 1 person is more acceptable these days. what isn't is cheating, and being a complete asshole. talk to your wife, maybe she is into the idea. if so, talk to the other woman together. I know a couple people playing 3rd in marriages and it worked out for each, because everyone was open and ok with it and boundaries were set. also as a side note, they all pay way less because everything is split 3 ways. but in your case the immediate thought to divorce at a mere chance is shitty, and you seem like a shitty person.

you don't break it off with the wife. you break it off with the dream girl. you made your wife a promise. don't break your happy and stable home for a girl that you don't know well and realistically probably won't last with

If she was really your "dream girl," she would have picked you a long time ago. Her first choice fell through and now you're her second. Don't throw away a (presumably) happy marriage unless you really don't love your wife anymore.

If you're not happy with your wife you should go for it. You don't owe your happiness to anyone and most people get married at least 3 times. This isn't a fairytale life is messy and sometimes you have Mrs Right and you have Mrs Right-for-now.