Cute, but stressful

By Anonymous - 30/09/2022 15:30

Today, I have been with my boyfriend for about 9 months. I still can't work up the courage to tell him I love him. I've been bursting to tell him for 4 months, but for some reason I can never seem to get the words out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 755
You deserved it 396

Same thing different taste


Offer to try anal if you haven't yet. I'm sure he'll understand!

Write him a love letter can't hurt and good luck!!

girl! you don't say it first. He should be wooing you until he says he's committed to you.

Text him 'I <3 U' and explain you have a hard time saying it. You two can use the emoji instead.

Noone here can judge the speed of your relationship for you. What do you feel his "feelings" are? (Not what do you want them to be) Are they physical? Emotional? Can you tell if he is truly happy to see you and be with you? Does he focus on the physical activities? Search yourself first. If you believe he feels the same, TALK to him and be direct. Do not hint at things. We guys cannot read hints from the fairer sex to save our lives.