Dali, eat your heart out

By anonymous - 19/11/2023 15:00 - United States - Rochester

Today, it's been over a week since I started painting a mural on my bedroom wall. Turns out, I'm not as artistic as I thought, because my attempt at a serene landscape now looks more like a psychedelic nightmare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 215
You deserved it 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change to neon paint and throw in some blacklists and claim you are going through a goth phase. Don't worry about it. changing mediums necessitated a change in technique. do some research to see about what different paints and preparation and tips/tricks are needed for drywall.

OP, it seems to me that you have two choices - Either lean into it and make it psychedelic, or paint it over and try again after improving your skills.


change to neon paint and throw in some blacklists and claim you are going through a goth phase. Don't worry about it. changing mediums necessitated a change in technique. do some research to see about what different paints and preparation and tips/tricks are needed for drywall.

OP, it seems to me that you have two choices - Either lean into it and make it psychedelic, or paint it over and try again after improving your skills.