Dat ass

By brandonborgie - 10/08/2021 04:01 - Australia

Today, my boss slapped me on the ass and said, "Good work, princess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 248
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Harassment isn’t funny. Please consider reporting your boss. People don’t have a right to touch your butt without your permission. IMO, you shouldn’t report them for sexual harassment if it was clearly a stupid joke…but you should still think about reporting them for misconduct. If doesn’t matter if it was a joke—it still seems to have made you uncomfortable.

bobsanction 18

Congratulations on your pending lawsuit.


Well, then again, what did you expect when you showed up at work wearing a pink tutu and a tiara?

Would you rather have your "nice" boss yell at you for every little thing? Seems like bosses can do no right! Jeesh!

Harassment isn’t funny. Please consider reporting your boss. People don’t have a right to touch your butt without your permission. IMO, you shouldn’t report them for sexual harassment if it was clearly a stupid joke…but you should still think about reporting them for misconduct. If doesn’t matter if it was a joke—it still seems to have made you uncomfortable.

The proper thing to do is to let them know.it is unwelcome first. Communication is extremely important. If your boss doesn't stop, then it is on him.

bobsanction 18

Congratulations on your pending lawsuit.

For inspiration on how to solve your problem, I suggest you watch the episode of Friends where Chandler has the same problem, with his boss slapping him on the butt to congratulate him (S03E24).

Are you serious! How is that still happening? grab him by the balls and tell him what a good boy he is

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

please let the plot twist be that you're a guy lol

oh please follow up I have so many questions are you male and was your boss male or female and what did you do about it.

Wadlaen 23

Well, then you'd probably done a good job. Congratulations!

is he young or older generation?....if hes young he knows better if he's old at least tell him first then if he continues stop