
By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I threw an elaborate surprise birthday party for my boyfriend of four years. He thought we were going to a quiet dinner but when we arrived, thirty of his friends jumped out and surprised him. Instead of kissing me to thank me, he broke up with me because of how easily I had lied to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 726
You deserved it 4 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So many FMLs like this and they always make me think the same thing. Either: 1) This is not the whole story. 2) These people are ridiculously stupid/unreasonable. 3) This did not happen.

Drae54 1

Damn thats harsh. You shoulda got a kiss and a thank you.


Bob31_fml 4

he just used that as an excuse.

leenheartlovex3 0

Okay really, he's a gay ass. Youu should be happy you're rid of him.

He was just trying to find an excuse to break up with you, in my opinion. Anyone that quick to break up over something like that has been thinking about it and waiting for a "good reason."

Uhm, this is what happned in "What Happens in Vegas" with ashton kutcher and cameron diaz. yes no?

What the ****? Your boyfriend is a little bitch. How old was he turning, two?

superfreestuff - You're spamming. Shut the **** up.