Did you smash?

By Silverfeathery - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Lewiston

Today, I was making out with a guy in his car, when we decided we needed a minute of fresh air. We stepped out, only to completely lock ourselves out, with our phones and the keys inside. We had to smash a window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 868
You deserved it 3 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, it's a bit worse for him, considering he's the one whose car window had to be smashed.


rabbi1010 29

Maybe next time roll down the windows?

I have locked myself out sooo many times, that rolling down a window is a rule for me!

I just realized you mean instead of getting out. I meant I roll down a window if /before getting out, when leaving the keys in.

Both of you smashed a window or just one of you?

ashbee11790 8

Next time just roll down the window.

corky1992 33

Should have just rolled down the windows

You didn't think to call a locksmith or AAA? Talk about a Darwin kiss

Most cars can only be locked from outside, which car was it?

Ever hear of a locksmith? They're cheaper than a window...