Double down

By coyote - 02/09/2010 07:25 - Japan

Today, I'm recovering from abdominal surgery. In addition to pain, I'm having trouble peeing and haven't pooped since Sunday, so my surgeon prescribed a laxative. Turns out I'm allergic to it. Now I'm covered in hives, even in my ears, incisions, and lady parts. I also still haven't pooped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 036
You deserved it 2 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tweety122888 0

wow people can be so frigging ignorant. what do u think we girls have our buttholes for?! god u dumbass people drive me crazy. how about you think before you post.

boo hoo!!! after having my first son I didn't poop for 3 weeks and ended up allergic to the laxative all over including the stitches in my downstairs area from having my baby and still didn't poop!!! complain then!!!

Kawaiichan42 3

96: Didn't you know our assholes are only for anal sex? This guy is in for a rude awakening when he moves in with a woman.

Samko_chan 5
magenLOVESyou 0

haha ew that sucks:) hope you feel better:)

teebabyy 0

I haven't pooped in abouta week.. y.? cause I'm in collge fml'!

MonaLeFae 0

OMG!!! by chance is this my bff from texas??? lol

No, I'm from California, sorry. Love Texas, though. Do you really know another person having this problem? poor thing... I guess I'm glad it's not just me.

No, I'm from California, sorry. Love Texas, though. Do you really know another person having this problem? poor thing... I guess I'm glad it's not just me.

No, I'm from California, sorry. Love Texas, though. Do you really know another person having this problem? poor thing... I guess I'm glad it's not just me.

Wow 99 has made me give up what hope I'd had for the Internet race.