Fake it til you make it

By Anonymous - 07/08/2010 23:36 - United States

Today, while driving, I made a fake phone call with my fake boyfriend, making him sound amazing to my friends who were in the car with me. Until the red and blue flashing lights pulled up behind us. My fake boyfriend cost me $160 in real fines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 968
You deserved it 66 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

it's people like you who cause hundreds of deaths in car related casualties! YDI, every bit of it

chillinAK 9

this has to be the most idiotic thing I have heard all day. why do you care if you look cool or not? are they going to pay your fine?grow up a little, huh?


DarDarAttack 0

How about a "fake" FAIL to compliment your "fake" life?

sorcerersinger 0

that works, except it's not a fake FAIL. ;)

MrFancy 0

it's people like you who cause hundreds of deaths in car related casualties! YDI, every bit of it

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

About 115 people die every day in car crashes in the United States. If people didn't do things that were obviously stupid, dangerous and illegal, I imagine those numbers would decrease.

Shookitup 0

and that's why you're single -_-

chillinAK 9

this has to be the most idiotic thing I have heard all day. why do you care if you look cool or not? are they going to pay your fine?grow up a little, huh?

oh of course they're not going to pay her fine because she probably still hasn't told them that he doesn't exist. if I had a friend that did this, it would qualify as a termination of the friendship on the bounds of slight insanity. (That and caring to much what others think of her)

You can probably fight it in court. Get your phone company to verify that you were not making a call.

Exactly. Just more proof of how retarded OP is.

Except being retarded usually doesn't get you out of tickets.

She deserves the fine for putting anything before driving safely. She would have to put just as much effort into a fake, overacted phonecall as a real one. My mum has lost three close relatives because of dickheads like this on the road. She absolutely deserves it, and more. And OP- you have your own car, full of friends, and you think not having a boyfriend is a problem? Get a life and enjoy yourself, you thick tool. Any girl who thinks she needs a man to enjoy herself in that situation is probly too pathetic to attract one anyway.

that won't matter. she was just as distracted whether or not a call was being placed.

YDI for having a car. YDI for having friends. YDI for having a cell phone. YDI for caring what other people think. YDI for putting the word "fake" in "quotation marks" when those "quotation marks" weren't even "necessary". It is "very" "annoying" when "people" do "that".

cheergirly16 0

it's obviously more annoying when people say ydi for things like 12 said, those 4 things. like are you about to tell me you don't have any friends or a phone and don't care about what people think?

cheergirly16 0

12 is the biggest hypocrite everr

SoundnVasion 0

Be more cheery. It's even more annoying when people rage.

FFML_314 11

39 it's *ever. He is making light of a potentially overly dramatic situation. Calm down ditz. Also, I could give a shit less what people think. There are people that do live their life based on personal preference and not what everyone else thinks.

SoundnVasion 0

Or maybe i just got trolled...

cheergirly16 0

I'm cheery all the time don't you see my screen name?:) loll

#12 Exactly. If they're put into quotation marks then that means OP is faking about them being fake. I had to read it a few times to realize they actually WERE fake and the quotation marks were unnecessary.

FFML_314 11

She is saying he's a hypocrite, because he said putting quoatation marks where they don't belong was annoying, when infact he was annoying her. In return, she is annoying me for putting double letters at the end of some of her words and for starting her sentence with "like."

Cheerycheercheerleaderofcheeriness: YDI for "taking" my "comment" too "seriously". Like, totally!

Darn iPhone messing up my spelling.

SoundnVasion 0

Ydi for possibly being used to texting on a normal button phone causing you to suckass at typing with a touchscreen phone.

FFML_314 11

May I add, YDI for not ending your miserable life >:D

Okay, 55 made me smile. I'm using an iPhone at the moment (acquired through a roundabout series of events involving my Nazi Asian Mom; don't ask) and it loves to turn perfectly normal words into typos. Thank you Steve Jobs, for being a total douche to consumers everywhere. Remember kids: you don't **** Apple, Apple ***** you!

^ Steve jobs doesn't create apple products, he markets them and makes you want them.

supergirl69_fml 0

74: Autocorrect is optional. Just turn it off.